Mason,  NH 
United States
  • Booth: 503

We help retailers make more money through superior Merchandise Planning and Open To Buy.

Our solutions extend to Basic Replenishment, Sales Forecasting and Margin Optimization, as well as self-service BI and (NEW) Merchandise Planning as a Service.

Everything we bring to the table is easy to use, quick to implement, effective and affordable.

Available in OnPremise or Cloud SaaS models.

We have been in business since 1992, and have successfully implemented over 150 Merchandise Planning Systems for retailers around the world. Our customer base ranges from industry leaders to regional independents. We have a long term outlook and a proven track record of delivering outstanding value with deep planning experience, innovative software development, and the highest quality of customer support in the industry.



  • Buyers Toolbox AP
    A Swiss Army Knife of Merchandise Planning. Configurations to fit any budget or level of complexity - from core Merchandise Planning and OTB to integrated end-to-end Planning, Forecasting and Replenishment w Machine Learning and AI...

  • Provided upon request
  • Buyers Toolbox BAR
    Easy-to-use, flexible and effective Basic Allocation and Replenishment application, BAR integrates seamlessly with our Merchandise Planning and Forecasting data and methods. From Min-Max to Dynamic and Static Stock targets, BAR will deliver immediate ROI....

  • TBD
  • Buyers Toolbox Cube
    The Cube is our self-service, full-function BI solution that frees Planners and Merchants from dependence on IT. Pre-integrated for data, formulas and plans to Toolbox AP, the Cube offers endless reporting and visualization options. Affordably priced.

  • TBD
  • Buyers Toolbox Forecasting
    Our Forecasting options provide for easy, precise long-range sales forecasting, as well as advanced analytics for Margin and Price Optimization, Promo Impact and Collection Affinity. Pre-integrated to Toolbox AP for historical data. Instant rollout....

  • TBD
  • Buyers Toolbox Planning Robot
    Planning and Re-forecasting for Sales, Stock, Receipts and OTB can now be automated with The Planning Robot. This Machine Learning and AI-powered tool is incredibly precise and efficient in empowering human Planners and Buyers....

  • TBD