Think tick season is over once the weather starts cooling off? Think again!
The International Lyme and Associated Disease Society (ILADS) notes tick season is year-round. Over half a million people are diagnosed with tick-borne illnesses each year, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Here are some more tick facts:
Lyme disease is the number one vector-borne disease in the U.S.
The CDC announced an almost 60% jump in the number of reported cases of Lyme disease in recent years.
New York State has among the highest reported tick-borne cases in the country.
Long Island residents Lisa-Jae Eggert and Kammy Wolf wish they had known these facts before they and their families were devastated by tick-borne diseases.
Kammy a trained entomologist and s specialist in environmental science, became aware of the devastating effects of tick-borne diseases after she and her family contracted Lyme disease several times over the years while living on the east end of Long Island.
After being misdiagnosed with MS, Lupus, and possible early onset Alzheimer’s, among other illnesses, following numerous tick bites, Lisa-Jae developed neurological Lyme disease and found herself unable to use repellents containing DEET. While on IV antibiotics Lisa-Jae helped develop a natural insect repellent that was not only safe for your body but safe for the environment.
That was the start of TickWise, an EPA-registered DEET-free repellent that is proven effective against ticks and mosquitos for up to two hours at a time.
Kammy and Lisa-Jae partnered to become two moms on a mission to help decrease the number of people getting bitten by ticks and being exposed to life-altering tick-borne illnesses. TickWise by 3 Moms Organics is now a certified 25B EPA-compliant repellent and is registered in all 50 states. These processes were not easy tasks for two moms who started out knowing little about business and even less about government regulations.
3 Moms Organics’ success is directly related to the surging tick population in the U.S. and the rising concern about the use of chemicals by the more health-conscious public. TickWise is sold in hundreds of stores locally and nationally, including e-commerce on Lowe’s, Walmart, and Amazon. TickWise is even the choice of PSEG Long Island utility workers as an alternative to the DEET products on the market.
Lisa-Jae and Kammy have also made it a mission to educate families about the dangers of tick-borne illnesses and how to prevent tick bites at the source. They use the 3 Moms Organics social media and their website as a vehicle to inform and better educate the public through conversations with doctors who specialize in tick-borne illnesses.
3 Moms Organics is a certified Women-Owned Small Business. The company also recently obtained its first government procurement with the New York City Environmental Protection Bureau of Engineering Design and Construction.
If you don’t get bit, you won’t get sick. 3 Moms Organics aims to help decrease exposure to ticks and the diseases they carry one bottle of TickWise at a time.