Decathlon is the largest sporting goods retailer in the world with over 2080 stores in 56 countries. For a large retailer like Decathlon, with its extensive showroom areas and region wide seasonal refits, visual merchandising is particularly important.
Decathlon was looking for a plug and play solution to pilot across a number of stores that would enable it to track its campaigns performance across multiple stores & regions.
Decathlon turned to Aura Vision, a video AI analytics platform that delivers reliable in-store analytics. Aura Vision offers total privacy and ownership of the physical store’s data and uses existing CCTV camera infrastructure to calculate the number of customers in each area of the store, as well as their dwell duration and engagement with products and marketing materials.
By utilizing Aura Vision’s advanced technology, Decathlon, in a matter of weeks, was able to:
- capture segmented footfall data
- efficiently plan its staff rotas
- track sport segment performance
- Identify the ROI on the refits
With Aura Vision, Decathlon was able to maximize the effectiveness of its visual merchandising and drive a 0.5% sales conversion uplift in a few weeks.