AmniSphere is the ultimate solution for any business working with computer vision technology. With a touchless and fully automated approach, AmniSphere eliminates the manual labor of image collection, boxing, and labeling. It delivers unmatched 99.99% accuracy for every object in the model, effortless integration, and lightning-fast results, enabling businesses to go to market quicker, provide greater value to customers, and optimize their operations. AmniSphere requires little to no hardware replacement. It can operate on your existing investment in a POS system with computer vision.
AmniEngine is Amniscient's patent pending AI engine. In addition to unparalleled accuracy, AmniEngine offers industry-agnostic and build-to-scale; AmniSphere empowers businesses across all sectors to harness the full potential of AI. Whether you’re in retail, manufacturing, logistics, or industrial quality control, if you have a computer vision problem, AmniSphere is your go-to platform for solutions that drive measurable outcomes and sustained business success.