
Carrollton,  TX 
United States
  • Booth: 4257

Welcome to Sesami: A single, scalable, global platform offering intelligent and sustainable cash management solutions. Sesami’s AI-enabled enterprise software and intelligent devices empower the banking, retail, and service industries worldwide, transforming cash management and delivering exceptional ROI.


  • SafePay RC5000

    Reliable and adaptable solution that secures and automates cash payments at multiple points 

    Today’s retailers are looking at ways to automate in-store cash processes and free up labor, all while improving security, accelerating transactions and providing greater control. Retailers can achieve this with the new SafePay RC5000, an adaptive, secure and flexible closed cash handling system, designed to integrate into multiple points within a store environment. 

    Maximum capacity – 3,000 
    Deposit speed – 2 – 3 notes/second 
    Dispense speed – 3 notes/second 


  • Tidel R180

    Highly adaptable cash recycler built to address the broadest range of cash automation needs 

    Tidel R180 offers exceptional performance and customization in a compact design. Ideal for various organizations aiming to optimize in-store labor, cut fees and enhance cash management.  The R180 seamlessly integrates as a back-office cash recycler. 

    Maximum capacity – 6,450 notes 
    Deposit/Dispense speed – 10 notes/second 
    Up to 2 split recycling cassettes (1,200 and 600) = 3,600 note recycling capacity  


  • Tidel S3

    Secure, reliable and auditable solution to deposit cash 

    The Tidel S3 smart safe is ideally suited for low to moderate cash volume organizations that require a secure and auditable system to deposit their cash throughout their business day.  The S3 provides increased security, greater accountability and reduced risk for a store’s cash environment. 

    Maximum capacity – 2,250 notes 
    Power supply and main CPU board accessible via the console  
    One note validator – single or bulk note feed 


  • Tidel S4

    Highly configurable smart safe, offering support for both single and bulk note validators 

    Easy to use and service, the Tidel S4 adapts to many environments and changing needs. With up to two bill validators to double speed and redundancy and multiple vault options, it offers flexibility in size and application. 

    Maximum capacity – 4,500 notes 
    Support for standard (1,200 notes) or XL (2,250 notes) cassettes 
    Note validator maintenance door – Enables validator heads to be removed in the event of a note jam 


  • Sallen D6

    Bringing high speed and maximum capacity in one cash deposit unit 

    The high-speed smart safe is designed to adapt to the pace of big companies and provide greater performance and flexibility in all cash deposit transactions. 

    Note capacity – 10,000 
    Deposit speed – 300 banknotes/minute in semi-stacked bag 
    Multicurrency deposits – up to 6 currencies in the same transaction 
